The Watchman Trail
The Watchman Trail starts right by the Zion National Park Visitors Center and then climbs to a fine viewpoint and back. It is a popular hiking trail because of its easy access and rewarding views. Signs lead the way along the river, then up the gully into the rocky bluffs.
As the trail climbs, we are provided with a landscape portrait of the Towers of the Virgin.
Although the trail is called the Watchman Trail, the Watchman is actually 1.5 km southwest.
The trail is at the entrance into Zion Canyon. The Towers of the Virgin line the north side of the canyon.
The loop on top of the hill offers fine views to the surrounding sandstone mountains – Bridge Mountain, the Watchman, Mt. Kinesava, the West Temple, the Altar of Sacrifice, the Meridian Tower, and Beehive Peak.On the way back down we had good views of Eagle Crags, outside the park, 8 km southwest. We hiked to the easternmost spire a few days later.
The Watchman Trail is a shorter hike (5 km) but it offers lots of rewards for the time required. It might not be the best choice on a hot day. Some people climb the hill to watch the sunset, coming back down with headlamps.