HomeHikesSavona Caves


Savona Caves — 3 Comments

  1. I visited about 7 years back.A toughish slog up the hill for an old guy but the trip was worth it.The rock painting were visible then not sure now. I was / am curious to know what the black tar like substance seeping out ofs ome cracks in the roof of the caves is.looks and feels like a bituminous material but has no noticable odor. Any thoughts?

    • Hi, Tony – There is always some black scats in the cave because of packrats and possibly bats. Although the caves seem dry in summer, the floor hasdried mud probably caused from dripping in the winter-spring snow melt coming through cracks in the rock.

  2. This substance seems to be of geologic origin rather than biological.I am a grduate f4om the Haileybury school of mines and have a good understanding of minerology.I have samples and would be happy to show you.

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