HomeHikesPetrified Forest


Petrified Forest — 4 Comments

  1. My wife and I have also searched for this site several times, however like you said most directions are vaig at best. However we have found several interesting rocks and some beautiful country, maybe just maybe one day we will stumble onto the right location.

  2. I was a young boy on my Kawasaki 80cc heading up behind Dallas for a long day ride. My friend and I found the forest and I collected several small pieces and believe I still have them. I have no idea how I got there!

  3. If I could leave pics of some of the chunks of petrified wood I would. But I would never tell. That’s the best part, looking for them. I stumbled across other interesting places and found geodes and crystals. Tones of agate. I found more interesting things looking than when I found. I even have a meteorite. Not from up in that area just past chase. It’s funnier looking

    • Is there a location that would help one to find petrified wood? I know it’s in Barnhartville/Dallas area BUT that is alot of area to cover.
      Thanks in advance

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